為人 The Min Jie School 為人
Becoming Human, Serving Humanity 

About studymedicaltraditions.org

This is where you will find articles and other resources related to the core ideas behind studymedicaltraditions.org, the Min Jie school, background information on our founder, John Mini and submission guidelines for your research papers, articles and other media related to traditional medicines.

An Introduction to the Vision of studymedicaltraditions.org

There are many different schools of medicine and medical orientations. Are we all investigating and working with the same things?

The Min Jie School Vision

Our task is to honor, support and incorporate every traditional medicine into the newly emerging world of traditional medicines…

A Call to Collaboration with Practitioners of Traditional Medicines

Many people are looking to healers to be the new leaders of the new society…

Everything You Want to Know About Our Founder, John Mini

The website for Elixir, John’s brick and mortar medical practice in Tiburon, California…

Submission Guidelines for studymedicaltraditions.org

We want to know about your work so we can help you get it out to our community…