It’s easy to hit the doldrums in your career-especially if things are going fairly well with your business and you are in the early or later phases of your medical practice.
In the early stages of building your clinic you’re just getting established and really beginning to use what you’ve learned in school. You’re creating a professional identity that will support you and your community for many years to come.
After you get your practice going and your professional identity is established, reality starts sinking in. You begin to feel the after-effects of the trauma of going through Chinese medicine school, your state board exams, and putting all of your time, energy, focus and money into creating your practice. You start to realize that the things you learned in school were just the beginning, that the things you know are dwarfed by the things you don’t know.
You-and your patients-come to understand your limitations as a practitioner. Your patients expect you to be a master, but you’re not. You know it. They know it. Whatever gimmicks and seductions that you initially used to get your patients to work with you gradually wear thin and disappear.
Your patients commence to leave and look for the magic elsewhere. You’re left holding the bag of all your hopes, dreams, investments and hard work alone in your clinic, or you turn up to face your few remaining patients with a gaping emptiness you feel inside.
You’re all in and the ship is going down. Something needs to change and fast.
I’ve been lucky because I’ve always had teachers who were backing me up, strong mentors who were not afraid to challenge, test and push me to go to new places in myself and my personal and medical practices that I would have never done on my own. They made me face the impossible every day, stand in it and work with it until eventually I discovered that it wasn’t impossible at all. I just thought it was.
Some of my teachers were masters of Chinese medicine. Some were not. They were all healers. And they all had something that they wanted to bring into this world.
Now it’s time for me to bring some of that to you.
Training with me definitely isn’t for everybody.
If you’re just looking for CEU credits or a few tricks and tools to prop up the scarecrow of your professional image, there are plenty of other teachers out there who will give you exactly what you want.
That’s not me.
And if you’re looking to align yourself with a power figure who fits all of your projections of what a master should be so that through this identification you can feel that you, too, are powerful, there are some teachers who will happily be that for you as well.
That also isn't me.
If you want to get real and stay real with someone who has seen and gone through a lot of clinical and life experience, has had a lifelong dedication to his practice and development, has long-term connections with several authentic old-world healing traditions, and may continue to be here with you for a few more decades to explore life’s joys and challenges, I might be your guy.
If you want to go to a deeper level in your life and practice, I’ve got some hard-won classical keys that can help to lead you to your personal and clinical success.
Chinese medicine is a comprehensive medical and lifestyle system. It isn’t a business model. Min Jie books and classes are for practitioners who want to go deeply into this system to transform their own health and medical practices.
The process isn't easy, but it is the real thing.
The people who are excellent practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine are excellent because they really live it in everything they do. Min Jie studies are an excellent step in the right direction if this is what you want to become.
Min Jie study is reserved for people who really want to learn, practice and live the medicine, not for people who just want to get some continuing education credits.
Our non-professional training is for people who want to learn about Chinese medicine to benefit their own health, development and well-being. They don’t want to pursue Chinese medicine as a career.
Our post-professional advanced training is for people who already practice Chinese medicine and/or other healing modalities and want to learn more.
The Min Jie School does not offer continuing education credits for any of its courses. We do certify practitioners who have embodied the principles we teach and can apply them proficiently and consistently to themselves and others.
I am creating a series of non-CEU courses for anybody who wants to take them in the spirit of comprehensive study, learning and practice. Sorry if it’s taking a while to get it out there, I’m busy taking care of my patients, attending to my current students, practicing my Gong Fu and having a life.